“Today you are You, that is truer than true.
There is no one alive who is Youer than You.”
“Think left and think right and think low and think high.
Oh, the things you can think up if only you try!”
“If things start happening, don’t worry, don’t stew,
just go right along and you’ll start happening too.”
~Dr. Seuss
At the beginning of this month, my teammates and I got our own fair share of rhymes, words, and morals from the one and only Dr. Seuss as we prepared for District Officer Conference.
Since 1937, Dr. Seuss has been sharing his wise words with children, teenagers, and even parents.
As a reflection before the end of day one at the conference, officers reflected on the life, dedication, and commitment of Dr. Seuss compared to themselves and their year of service.
Dr. Seuss, who wrote under the pen name of Theodor Geisel, was sure that in order for people to succeed in life they must know how to read. He wanted to help everyone love to read; he did this by making reading fun. His stories of a cat in a hat, a fox in socks, and eggs that are green, brought enjoyment to all of his readers. There have been over 200 million copies of his books made and have been translated to 15 different languages. Mr. Geisel had a passion to share his love of reading, he took action, and now is known all around the world.
As FFA members and agriculturalists we have a passion for agriculture; we see the need for it around the world. So many times in the past couple months I have heard that by 2050 there will be an estimated 9 billion people on the earth (almost 3 billion more people than we have today). Even now it is a challenge to feed all of the people in our world and soon, even more. It is up to us to help feed the world now and for years to come.

How will you help FeEd the world?
How will YoU share yOuR passion?
How will you make a dIfFeReNcE?
Share What You Care About